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Norlina Sofia

Founder & CEO
About Sofia

Norlina sofia is known for her ability to take a creative brief and run with it, coming back with fresh ideas and a perfectly built design file every time. From digital design to long-format layouts, she blends beautiful and intuitive with each project she touches. She also happens to be the queen of deadline-crushing, all while maintaining a can-do,

When he’s not building strong alliances with other creatives, project managers and stakeholders alike, you’ll find him giving voice to client strategies with fresh,

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Others Skills

A UI/UX designer, typically experienced in creating seamless digital experiences, possesses a unique blend of creativity and user-centric problem-solving. With a keen eye for aesthetics and an understanding of human behavior, they craft user interfaces (UI) that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional. Their work involves wireframing, prototyping, and conducting user research to ensure intuitive navigation.

Past Experience

A UI/UX designer, typically experienced in creating seamless digital experiences, possesses a unique blend of creativity and user-centric problem-solving. With a keen eye for aesthetics and an understanding of human behavior, they craft user interfaces (UI) that are not only visually appealing but also highly

Experience Aria
Web Design 70%
Mobile App Design 80%
UI/UX Design 90%
Career Guideline

As a UI/UX designer, your primary goal is to enhance user experiences through thoughtful, user-centered design. To succeed in this field, cultivate a strong design portfolio, stay current with design trends and tools, and hone your communication and problem-solving skills. Collaborate closely with developers and stakeholders, conduct user testing, and continuously seek feedback for iterative improvements.